AGM Candidate Bios
The KMHA AGM is scheduled for June 2nd 6 pm via Zoom. A link will be mailed to the membership via TeamSnap. You must register to attend the AGM. Just a reminder that only KMHA current members or volunteers may attend the AGM and vote.
This year we have the Secretary position up for election. We have 2 candidates.
Taryn Kuiack
Taryn was born and raised in a hockey family in Salmon Arm, and moved to Kelowna in 1995 to play basketball for the local university. Taryn recently retired from her position as an Executive Assistant & Office Manager for a local financial planning firm after 22 years of service.
Taryn has two sons that play hockey. Her oldest was drafted by the Edmonton Oil Kings in the 9th round of the 2017 draft and earned a spot on the team that year as a 16 year old. He is currently in his fourth year of eligibility and was drafted by the Chicago Blackhawks in the 7th round of the 2021 NHL draft. Taryn’s youngest son is a goalie going into his first year of U15 and has set his goals high as he wants to follow in his brother’s footsteps.
Taryn has been the Secretary for the KMHA Board of Directors for eight years, and truly believes that the current Board is in the best possible position for achieving success for the best interests of its membership. The endless hours that these volunteers put into this Association often go unnoticed, but its all for the love of the game and ensuring that our kids have a fair and equal chance to play hockey.
Taryn’s advice for up & coming young families joining hockey, “don’t get involved with the drama and believe that ‘politics’ determine where your child ends up… let your kids have fun, play hockey, and meet new friends along the way! It goes by way too fast – enjoy the ride!”
Cindy Leonard
Who am I?
Hello, my name is Cindy Leonard and I have three children who have grown up playing, refereeing, and score-keeping hockey. My family and I were actively involved in the Barrie Minor Hockey Association in Ontario since 2009, and I look forward to contributing in the same capacity now that we have put down roots in Kelowna. My youngest son will play in the Midget division this upcoming season and I hope to make his experience, and every player’s experience, one to remember.
What am I running for and why?
I am putting my name forward for the position of Secretary. I have been a teacher in various public school systems, across many provinces, grade levels, and subject areas and have acquired valuable skills while engaging with and advocating for youth. As a newcomer, I hope to offer a fresh perspective and an inviting energy to KMHA, while applying excellent organizational skills to my work with the Board. Time management, planning, and productivity are at the forefront of everything I do.
We have all been through a crazy time recently, but what I have learned is that we all have one thing in common – everyone yearns for a sense of belonging. We all want to find our place and our people. Our children come to KMHA in search of that, as do parents and siblings. I want to contribute to a hockey community where we come together through sport and our collective love for the Canadian game, to create an exceptional experience for our children, despite our differences.
How can I contribute?
My life’s work as a public school teacher and now my second career in Higher Education have helped me hone my communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and team work – all skills that will serve me well in the position of Secretary.
My seasoned ability to use precise language, facilitate discussions, and carefully navigate difficult conversations will allow me to develop solid rapports serving to maintain and even improve KMHA’s solid reputation.
Given my experience, my approach to problem-solving is mature. I understand the importance of asking the right questions to determine what is needed and to identify gaps in knowledge and understanding. I also have extensive experience in conflict engagement and have learned how to effectively diffuse volatile situations, while being sensitive, discrete and patient. This will help to build and maintain respectful relationships within the hockey community.
Although I can often make good decisions independently, I am always open to leveraging a team-member’s strength through collaboration. As a team-player, I believe that together we make the best decisions to achieve collective objectives. A team effort by the Board of Directors – on behalf of the KMHA membership – will serve our hockey community best.
I look forward to a renewed hockey season and time to enjoy family and new friends. Thanks for your support!