Are house league evaluations mandatory?

Yes, all players must attend their house league evaluation sessions in order to be placed on a team. We are unable to balance our house teams properly if players do not show up for evaluations. In the past players have not shown up and teams are drafted based on coaches memories of how a player performs. This has caused problems with teams not being equally balanced so we have been forced to make changes to rosters when players have been set with their teams. This of course creates problems for the players that are asked to move, the coaches and the division director.

Where and when can I get HCSP qualified?

HCSP clinics are listed on the clinics page of the BC Hockey website at

How can I apply for a tournament?

Tournament applications can be found on the tournament page of our website.

Where do I find Respect In Sport?

You can register to take Respect In Sport through the BC Hockey website at by clicking on clinics and registering for Respect in Sport. Respect in Sport now has an expiry date so it must be renewed every 4 years.

Is there a cost to watch these games?

We do not charge entry fees to our regular games/tournaments. The only time entry fees are charged are during special events such as the January BDO Kelowna International Elite Midget International Tournament or during a Provincial Championship.

How old do you have to be to be a ref?

You must be at least 12 years of age to begin working as an on ice official.

Does Kelowna Minor hockey plan to add bodychecking into the recreation teams?

No, KMHA won't be introducing body checking in our recreational programs. We would like to keep recreational hockey open to anyone that wishes to play. Many players and their families are not interested in playing hockey with body checking involved so in order to accommodate everyone we have decided as an association to not have body checking in our recreational programs.

Who is Shaun Crosby?

Shaun was a young player in our association that was tragically killed in a car crash. We have kept his memory alive by hosting a tournament each year in his honor. Shaun's parents have been great supporters of KMHA and continue to come out each year during our annual Shaun Crosby Memorial Tournament.

How many players are registered?

We have approximately 1400 players registered each year in our association.

How do I release my child from Kelowna Minor Hockey?

Players are released from our association's Hockey Canada database when the request is made by their receiving association via the Hockey Canada Registry.

Do you have a girls league?

We do have a league that is dedicated to our female players. Please see the registration page of our site for the appropriate age groups in our female program.

I noticed that your registration is first come first serve, does that mean you put a cap on your registrations? Is this for every level?

We have limited space available in each and every division of our association. This limit is strictly due to the amount of ice time that is available to us.

Where is your fee schedule?

The fee schedule is located on the registration page of our website.

How old does a child have to be to play hockey?

Children must be of school age so five years old as of December 31 of the year in which they are registering.

If I am out of town during registration can I send a proxy?

Anyone can register your player as long as the paper work is completed in its entirety and they have all of the required supporting documentation that is listed on the registration page of this website.

How do you become a referee or linesman?

You must attend a BC Hockey Officiating Clinic. Clinics are listed on the BC Hockey website at under the clinics section. You must click on the HCOP or Hockey Canada Officiating Program to see the list of all available clinics. KMHA hosts an Officiating Clinic each season. Click on the Officiating section of our website for details.

What is the difference between house and rep?

Rep teams are for those players that are committed to bringing their game to the next level. These teams are made through a tryout process. It is a competitive league with a travel schedule for league and tournament play. House league is for the player who loves the game of hockey but doesn't wish to travel lots to play and would like to pursue other interests instead of putting all of their time into hockey. Rep hockey tends to be more costly than house league as well.

What is your refund policy?

Refunds are prorated up to November 30 of each season. Tryout fees are non-refundable and there is a $50.00 administrative fee deducted from each registration that is refunded. The refund policy can be found in the 'Registration' section of the website

How do I get my Child Tax Credit Receipt?

Receipts are emailed to you when your registration is processed or if you did the online registration you can print it from your account.  To obtain another receipt - email:

We don't have enough players to take to a tournament, what can we do?

There is relief for Recreational Teams only - if you will only have 12 skaters or no goaltender you can submit an application (at least 7 days in advance) for relief.  The form is located under KMHA Info/Forms.  Once filled out and have the necessary signatures per the form, forward to KMHA's Executive Director at